An Emotional Empath’s Holiday Wish

As an Emotional Empath (or “Highly Sensitive Person”), the holiday season can be very tough for me. While I often take the time to reflect on the things that I treasure, like my amazing partner, our wonderful families, my truly loving friends, our warm home and full dinner plates, and our (for the most part) good health, my heart remains heavy. Thinking of these things makes me feel grateful and privileged, yet part of me still aches.

I ache for those who are struggling, especially at this time of year. While my heart and spirit always ache for the less fortunate, the sick, the dying, and the mistreated, the holiday season weighs heavier on me when I think of those who yearn to embrace the joys of the season, yet can’t. For those who have lost their loved one(s). For those who have no loved one(s). For those trapped in relationships and situations, from which they feel they cannot escape. For those surrounded by the dark presence of their demons, when they want and deserve to be surrounded by light.

More specifically, for the lesbian girl who just wants to bring her girlfriend to Christmas dinner, and have them both be loved and accepted. For the young trans child who secretly asks Santa to bring them the correct body. For the stubborn, strong-willed, and lonely woman who silently dreams of having a partner to sit next to her in front of the fire. For the addict, who desperately wants to visit their family, but visits their drug dealer instead. For the son, who, every single day, with a tear in his eye, still says good morning to his late father. For the alcoholic who longs to feel the warmth of their child’s embrace, but settles instead for the warmth of their whiskey.

To anyone and everyone suffering this holiday season, please know that you are loved. There are people out there (myself included) who, although they might not know you personally, truly and deeply care for you. We are all products of Mother Earth, and some of us are simply tied more directly to the hearts and spirits of our brothers and sisters.

This year, I will be trying to make a more conscious effort to allow myself to accept and embrace the joys of the holiday season. But please know that you are always in my thoughts and my heart, and that my spirit recognizes yours.

My only wish this year is that the joys of the holiday season will somehow reach you too.